Friday, May 24, 2013

Soldier On!

Blessed day all ~
Hoping this day finds you anticipating a long, relaxing weekend, taking time to honor those who served selflessly so that we may enjoy the right and ability to live free.
Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War. By the 20th century Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service.   More detail:
When we think our day is long and our work cumbersome, think of a soldier who took the tough job of fighting for your right to have a job in a free society.
When we think we are entitled to the homes we live in and the cars we drive, think of a soldier who left their car and home to fight for your freedom.
When we demand respect without giving it, think of a soldier who fought to earn respect on the battlefield.
Remember, the freedoms we experience today aren't free. They were paid for with the blood of our forefathers, brothers and sisters so that we may experience freedoms that many in the world envy.  When life gets tough, think about a soldier and the sacrifices they made. Soldier on!
Recommended site visits and reads:
Did you know?  Indianapolis has the most memorials in the US outside of Washington D.C.
Indianapolis Medal of Honor Memorial - (breathtaking!)
USS Indianapolis (tragic story)
Veterans Memorial Plaza
Indiana War Memorial Museum
Colonel Eli Lilly Civil War Museum inside Soldiers & Sailors Monument
American Legion Mall

Friday, May 17, 2013

Wishful Thinking

Hoping this day finds your dreams visualized, your mind clear and your path drawn out. 
We all have dreams. I am talking about the kind of dreams that we envision acting upon some day. You know, that "some day" when we win the lottery, or when life slows down, or after the kids go to college. Have you ever written those dreams down, or even put pictures of your dreams on the refrigerator or your computer to help channel your energy toward it?
Life runs at a speed we can keep up with (for the most part), however, there are times that the speed of life passes us by and we are merely observers of other people's dreams - in some respects, our dreams are being lived out by other people. Are we just as capable and deserving? Absolutely! So, how to we get there . . . how do we live out those dreams?
Step one -
Write them down. Clearly write and articulate your dream as though you are living it right now! What does it look like? What does it feel like? How are you experiencing it and who are you experiencing it with? The more detail you can provide, the more real it feels and becomes.
Step two -
Put a plan in place. How much does it cost? How long will it take you to save/put aside funds? Are there any special advisers you need to enlist to be part of your Dream Team?
Step three -
Select a Dream Advisor. The purpose of this individual is to hold you accountable for not only mapping out your dream, but taking the necessary steps to make your dream a reality. There are many out there who are Dream Advisers or Counselors whose sole purpose is to help you make your dream a reality. It's that simple. 
If it's so simple, why do we make it so hard?  Fear. Fear of failing. Fear of disappointment. Fear of rejection by others who think our dreams are silly.
So I ask you - what is your dream?  To become an entrepreneur? To run a marathon? To take a trip to another country? What ever it is, you are capable. You are deserving. Life is about living, so why not live your dreams? It is waiting for you. Go get it!  I believe in YOU!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May today there be peace within

May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tales From Superwoman's Cape - Let the Security Blanket Go!

Most women will tell you that if they could do it all and have it all, they would. As guru's of multi-tasking, both professional women and full-time mothers find a way to juggle multiple things at once. While the juggling act may not be efficient or feel productive at times, it has become an unspoken expectation of the job description women have come to own. We are all Superwomen in our own right. If our capes could talk, what would they say? Oh, the stories they would tell!

Let the security blanket go!
I have heard and read the small pocket-size books "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff, It's All Small Stuff."  Easy enough, right?  Well, what happens when the small stuff begins piling on top of one another, like individual bricks being stacked? At some point, the weight of each of these bricks begins to weigh us down, causing us to lose strength, stamina, and focus which, in turn, affects our performance as mothers, spouses, friends, daughters and professionals.

If each one of these bricks were individual tasks, like carpooling, grocery shopping or fixing dinner we may be able to delegate these responsibilities or even pay someone to do them for us.  However, what if these bricks were mental blocks. Mental blocks comprised of negative self talk, or worse, negative comments made by people we respect and love.  Those mental blocks (or bricks) become more difficult to push away because we internalize them, right? Suddenly there is an immovable back pack affixed to us that is tightly secured. In some instances they become our security blanket - interesting thought! Our superwoman cape is replaced by a security blanket; a blanket that allows us to wallow in sorrow, defeat, negative self talk that takes us no where but down. Enough!!

Time to put the security blanket away and let go of those things that anchor you, resisting you to take flight and soar! "Where do I begin?" you say -

1. Start by walking. Yes walking. Get your body moving and your blood pumping. Increased circulation will improve mental well being and help change your negative internal perceptions of your self.
2. Surround yourself with positive people. There are enough negative ones to drag anyone down. Find  those individuals who believe in you and will uplift you.
3. Share your dreams. Talking about them helps bring them to life. Writing them down puts a plan in motion.
4. Regroup. How do you begin and end your day? Make sure it is positive on both ends and productive in the middle and involves something you aspire to be or do. Put inspiration back in your daily routine.

Soon, you will begin to take flight and bring out your inner Superwoman!



Let joy be your habitual way of responding to the world. Make a commitment to look for joy everywhere. Offer joyful commentary wherever possible. Reach out to others in cheerfulness. Go on a rampage of appreciation, rather than discussing the evils of the world. Use every opportunity to radiate joy.  ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Thank you Dr. Wayne W. Dyer!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fire Fighter vs Bricklayer: Don't Allow Yourself to Be Derailed

A few weeks back, I allowed myself to be derailed by people I placed confidence, admiration and respect. Looking back, I recognized that there was always a lot of chaos and swirl cycling around those same individuals.  At the time, I equated it to busy-ness and momentum that comes with running a business. I, too, got caught up in it, sucked in by it and frequently redirected to put out fires. As a result, the job I was brought in to do shifted, as did my focus and confidence in myself.  Lesson learned.

Now, as I stand in a much calmer place, I realize that it was self-generated chaos that allowed certain individuals an opportunity to bring structure to that chaos, providing a type of job security, if you will.  How, then, could the value I bring to the table be truly realized or even recognized, when the main focus was on the fire in the room?  Hmmm. When someone arrives with a fire hose to put out the fire, it's hard to recognize the bricklayer strengthening the foundation of the building.

6 Key takeaways:
1. Know what kind of leader you are following.  A fire fighter or a bricklayer.
2. Know what leadership truly values.  A fire fighter or a bricklayer.
3. Decide which one you are/want to be. A fire fighter or a bricklayer.
4. Share your successes along the way. Tell someone. It's easy for you and leadership to get distracted by frequent fires.
5. Have frequent meetings with leadership so you build not only a stronger relationship, but value. Don't let a secondary person do that on your behalf. You never know what is being said, or not said.
6. Constantly build your own foundation. Build your own network and skills so you realize your personal value proposition.

Blessings ~